
Private Events

We specialise in capturing private events, from weddings, to 25th anniversaries and everything in between. Our team bring the creativity to your event, making sure that your guests are comfortable and energised in our presence. Over the years we have worked with HNWI in Oman, filmed JP Coopers wedding, captured the launch of Maddox Gallery in Gstaad, an exhibition in the Leake Street Arches and many more.

Public Events

Capturing public events is a core element of our business and includes everything from multi day events to single days and events that span over weeks. Bringing your event to life and attracting more attendees with daily uploads on social media, to after movies designed to retain and create new business.

Special Occasions

Private awards ceremony? Public ticketed conference? No matter your reason for bring people together, we're here for your special occasion! We will document your event for days and nights to be remembered for a lifetime, and can create assets to attract new customers to your next event.